
How Should I Prepare for a Facelift?

Men and women alike are concerned about their appearance, and at Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, we are well-positioned to help our patients achieve their cosmetic goals. Facelift surgery, in particular, has grown in popularity - so how should one prepare for this procedure? View More Patient Results *Individual Results May Vary* How Does a Facelift Work? Facelifts have come a long way in recent years. If done by a talented surgeon, a facelift (rhytidectomy) can virtually turn back [...]

How Much Can A Facelift Cost?

Facelift procedures remain the gold standard for men and women that want to restore their youthful appearance. Before deciding if the procedure is right for you, you will need to consider all of the factors involved. With careful consideration and the help of a skilled surgeon, a facelift can be a long-lasting and worthwhile procedure for many. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the national average physician fee for a facelift procedure in 2018 was about $7,655. It is important to note, this number represents a national [...]

January 12th, 2020|Facelift|0 Comments

How Can I Get Rid of My Muffin Top?

Excess belly fat can leave us feeling uncomfortable in our own skin. If you’re like many men and women, clothing never seems to fit right, and you often find yourself self-conscious in social situations even when you regularly partake in healthy lifestyle habits. The truth is, the unwanted fat around the abdomen and waist, commonly referred to as a “muffin top” can be difficult to treat with diet and exercise alone. View More Patient Results *Individual Results May Vary* [...]

How Long Does A Breast Lift Last?

A breast lift is an ideal solution for women who are bothered by sagging breasts after pregnancy, nursing, or the natural aging process. The procedure produces younger, perkier-looking breasts for years to come. In fact, many women only need one breast lift in a lifetime to maintain the results they want. Of course, there are many exceptions to this rule. With a wide range of factors contributing to the success of your breast lift, it is reasonable to expect a different end result for everyone. Before getting into the [...]

How Long is Recovery from Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures for women across the globe. Over the past several decades, the procedure has undergone some tremendous advancements allowing women to achieve their desired contours with minimal pain, side effects, and downtime. With careful planning and aftercare, the recovery process can be quick and easy. At Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Mark Craig works closely with each of his patients to ensure an optimal outcome based on her individual goals. Although the recovery process is unique to the [...]

How Long is Recovery from a Facelift?

If you’re looking for a solution to sagging jowls, loose skin, and wrinkles, a facelift may be right for you. Perhaps you’ve already done the research and decided that it’s the next step in taking years off of your appearance. Some questions may come to mind, however, such as, “What happens after the procedure? How long until you see results?”. We know you’re busy and want the best, most efficient recovery possible. At Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, we’re here to help. Read further to learn more about the [...]

Is Breast Augmentation Best Done Above or Below the Muscle?

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures among women worldwide, and deciding that you’re ready for breast enhancement is just the first step in the pre-planning stages. Aside from choosing your implant size and style, you’ll also need to determine what incision type is best as well as the ideal placement for natural-looking results. View More Patient Results *Individual Results May Vary* Above or Below: Which is Best? Dr. Mark Craig is a board-certified surgeon who [...]

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

If you’ve considered liposuction as a form of body fat reduction, the idea of what goes into the cost of it can be a bit daunting. No one wants unexpected expenses that they didn’t plan for; however, with a little explanation of what happens and what individual aspects of the procedure go into the bill, you’ll have a better idea of what to expect when you decide on a treatment to reach your aesthetic goals. View More Patient Results *Individual Results May Vary* [...]

How Long is Recovery From Liposuction?

Liposuction has withstood the test of time, helping many people to look their best. It may be a good option for you if you’re looking to reduce fat in certain areas of your body. If you’ve already read about the procedure itself but now are curious about recovery, you’ve come to the right place.  At Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Mark Craig uses the latest, most advanced surgical techniques to ensure an optimal outcome with minimal pain, side effects, or downtime. Read on to get a better idea [...]

What’s the Best Procedure for Removing Stomach Fat?

Fat around the midsection can be a bothersome problem for many men and women. As we age, it’s common for fat deposits to localize in areas that are typically hard to treat with diet and exercise alone. The good news is, there are ways to safely achieve a firmer, flatter tummy. Say goodbye to stubborn stomach fat and hello to a younger, more fit-looking you! View More Patient Results *Individual Results May Vary* What Are My Options? Accent Plastic [...]

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