Revivify Your Skin With The Whisper Laser!

The Whisper Laser creates a new level of safety and gentle smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles. It diminishes discoloration and improves skin texture with minimal down time. It is so gentle, and it effectively treats even highly sensitive areas around the eyes, face, neck, chest and back of the hands without bleeding or need for anesthesia.

However, we will recommend a topical anesthetic to minimize discomfort for the more sensitive tissues. You can have a full facial treatment, and within 5 to 7 days, look years younger with softer, smoother, and more radiant skin.

The outer layer of skin cells, medium or deep epidermal cells are removed while at the same time heat is absorbed by the underlying dermal tissue to stimulate collagen renewal. There is a mild post procedure peeling which is spread over 2-7 days occurring simultaneously with regrowth of new and healthy epidermis. Creams may be prescribed to control the temporary, post procedure sun-burned appearance. The result is a significant tightening of the skin without ever exposing the underlying dermis. Since the Whisper Laser healing process is so subtle, women are generally able to use makeup on the very next day.

Why Whisper Laser Peel?

Laser resurfacing involves using a light source to ablate the sun-damaged outer layers of the epidermis to reveal the smooth underlying layers. With this laser, the skin is desiccated, layer by layer, enabling pinpoint accuracy and precise control of the ablation depth. This creates a finer, more delicate result than available for deep chemical peels or the more aggressive carbon dioxide lasers.

The creation of new collagen caused by the thermal insult and subsequent fibroblast activation occurs over a period of a few weeks to a few months. This wound healing response leads to improvement in skin texture, the smoothing of fine lines and even reducing enlarged pores. We believe the Whisper Laser used in conjunction with our skin care program will augment each other to visably revivify your skin.

The Whisper Erbium YAG Laser effectively treats the following conditions:

  • Sun-induced wrinkles.
  • Mild to moderate photo-damaged skin.
  • Dyschromia (variations in skin color).
  • Wrinkle reduction.
  • Acne scarring.