A foundation for smooth, youthful skin

Youthful skin is defined by its smooth, even appearance without texture irregularities or sagging. Collagen is responsible for skin’s firmness, and age takes its toll on the collagen fiber network, weakening the skin’s vital support. 

Accent Plastic Surgery and Dr. Mark Craig can restore your collagen network’s health and return youthful firmness to your face with Morpheus8, a breakthrough advancement in skincare and aesthetics. 

Morpheus8 Tupelo

*Individual Results May Vary*

How Does Morpheus8 Work?

Morpheus8 is fractional laser resurfacing at every depth, combining microneedling and radiofrequency (RF) energy delivered between 1mm to 8mm for maximum tissue contraction and cellular regeneration. The system also coagulates adipose tissue, smoothing and reducing it for truly sculpted facial contours. The micro-channels created by the pins stimulate collagen production to tighten skin and initiate your healing response.

Morpheus8’s customizability gives your Accent specialist precise depth control thanks to its unique pin configurations, the Prime 12 pin, Resurfacing 24 pin, and Morpheus8 24 pin. We can deliver exactly the level of RF energy at the most therapeutic depth to tighten loose skin on your cheeks, your jawline, or under your chin. Morpheus8 technology is changing how we sculpt facial contours and restore youth.

Am I A Good Candidate?

All skin types, even Fitzpatrick type VI, are safe to treat with Morpheus8, with low risk of thermal damage. 

Do you wish to diminish wrinkles, tighten lax skin, and improve your facial tone and texture?  A Morpheus8 consultation at Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery is a great place to start.

Morpheus8 Consultations Available

How Long Does Morpheus8 Treatment Take?

Morpheus8 treatments fit nicely into a busy schedule, lasting only 30-60 minutes. Topical numbing cream keeps you comfortable while the best pin configuration for your skin concerns is applied systematically across your treatment area. The pins work their magic at the correct depth to remodel your tissues and spark new collagen fiber production. Afterward, you’re free to return to your daily activities.

When Can I Expect Results?

You may notice an immediate radiance to your skin after Morpheus8 treatment. Improvements to your complexion, tone, and texture will continue as collagen fibers grow for 3-6 months following your treatment plan, which may include multiple sessions. Morpheus8 tissue remodeling is so remarkable that you can transform your skin without surgery or a long recovery.

Is There Any Downtime?

While you won’t need to stop most normal activities, you may experience tenderness and swelling in your treated skin. This will subside within a few hours.