A defined jawline can go a long way toward influencing how others see you, and not just aesthetically. A strong, sculpted jawline gives others the impression you’re confident, in control, and reliable, which for many professionals is a key component in a successful career. At Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, we have the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for the reduction of the double chin with Kybella®.

Tupelo Kybella

*Individual Results May Vary*

How Does Kybella® Work?

Made of deoxycholic acid, which the body naturally produces to break down dietary fat, Kybella® breaks down submental fullness (the double chin) by disrupting fat cell membranes and causing cell death. The body’s metabolic system then filters the dead cells out naturally, while remaining fat cells shift to fill in the vacant spaces. This thins the fatty cushion under the jaw and slims your chin and neck. Because this process takes time, Kybella® is a subtle treatment, unlike liposuction. Kybella® is safe because it targets only fat, so surrounding tissues are left unharmed. The body does not produce new fat cells, so you may enjoy your new, sculpted jawline for years to come.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Patients concerned about their double chin or fatty tissues of the neck generally tolerate Kybella® well, so most people with good skin laxity are qualified candidates. Get started with a thorough consultation with Dr. Mark Craig today.

What is the Procedure Like?

Kybella® treatments are fast, taking less than an hour to perform. Your treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed and marked for Dr. Craig to carefully inject the Kybella® solution. The rest is a series of injections which will vary in quantity and dosage depending on the patient’s facial structure and treatment plan.

Kybella Consultations Available

What Results Can I Expect?

While Kybella® is not fast-acting, it is remarkably effective, and in many cases can produce smoother results than liposuction or devices that heat or freeze away fat cells, which can leave contour irregularities, indentations, and scars. It may be 6 weeks before patients see visible improvement, which is slow enough that skin retraction with the shrinking jawline is organic and natural. Some patients may need between 2-4 treatments to achieve their aesthetic goals. 

The best part is, we don’t tend to develop new fat cells once we’ve completed puberty, so once Kybella® has disrupted enough fat cells to reduce your double chin, it shouldn’t come back. That doesn’t mean the size of remaining fat cells can’t increase, so a healthy lifestyle is recommended to maintain and optimize results for the long term.

Is There Any Downtime?

Kybella® does have some swelling, tenderness, and bruising in the chin and neck area to contend with, so while it’s a great alternative to a surgical recovery, there will be some aftereffects that must be taken into consideration. These subside within 1-2 weeks and don’t generally impede a normal routine. Ice packs may help keep bruises and swelling to a minimum.

The Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery team’s patient care is built on a foundation of compassion and commitment. Whether your aesthetic goals are best achieved by non-invasive options like Kybella® or require more intervention with a surgical procedure, we take your journey with you from start to finish, and we’re not satisfied until you are. If you’re tired of a double chin stealing your confidence, call today.

“Dr. Craig has performed surgery on me several times. He is the best doctor and the best surgeon. I have complete trust in him. His office staff are not only the most profesisonal, but also the kindest.”

Take The First Step – Request A Consultation

Ready to learn more about Kybella® at Accent Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Tupelo, MS? Simply fill out the form on this page or give us a call at 662-377-6290 to schedule your consultation today!

*Individual results may vary.